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Welcome to New Brunswick Prospecting
Discover New Brunswick's mineral potential. With hundreds of known occurrences of base metals, gold, rare earth elements, fossils, Gemstones, Agates, Clays, Crystals and much more! New Brunswick offers a diverse mineral profile for everyone to indulge in. Prospectors and the department of energy and mines have developed an excellent relationship to help fund, promote and discover the vast amount of resources available in New Brunswick. NB Prospecting invites you to engage in our mineral rich province to push prospecting and exploration to a new level.

Various Placer Gold Specimens Panned In New Brunswick, Canada.
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Department of Energy and Mines Publications
The New Brunswick department of energy and mines has a team of Bedrock Geologists, Surfical Geologists, Coordinators and Technicians who are constantly producing reference material for Prospectors, Educational Institutes or Exploration Companies. This devotion has created a great database for anyone to gain an upper hand prospecting in N.B. Below you will find links to key areas on the NB Energy and mines page to help you prospect or just plain old learn about the geology of New Brunswick.
Furthermore the Department of Energy and Mines offers a Prospecting course for individuals interested in learning how to prospect for gold and other metals. This course focuses on specifics of prospecting in New Brunswick, offers in class and field trips as well. When on your field trips you will learn several techniques for sampling, general prospecting and also how to pan for gold.
Prospecting and Developing Respectfully
Prospecting is unique, secretive and mysterious to say the least. A lot of people don't understand it and those who think they do are often surprised when they are brought into the field. Needless to say we as prospectors need to maintain a positive image and Exploration companies who develop the properties need to do the same. I think the most important part of maintaining that image is to have good communication with the landowners. In my experiences a visit to someone's front door, accompanied by a hand shake goes a lot further than serving a notice of work to be performed. Sometimes we can't always meet in person but when all possible, make a positive impression.
On another note, what we leave behind when we do our work can not only impact our image but also the environment. Simple things like bringing a spare bag for your snacks and garbage go a long way. If you are testing for placer gold along a creek bed, make sure you fill in test pits, Pan your material back into the load of the stream and don't continuously pan in one location.
Just like large companies, prospectors need to always consider reclamation at the end of the day. Even small bits make a difference and we are fortunate to be able to prospect in New Brunswick. Our mining and exploration regulations are very favorable on our behalf and I would like to see it stay that way.
NB Prospecting
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