How to Prospect for Gold and Other Minerals

Educating through research and social networking.
Mineral prospecting has it's challenges. Whether you are the novice or expert prospector there is one thing that you will learn along the way, the need to educate. The more you understand about Geology, Hydrology and Minerology the better chance you will have at succeeding in this industry. Whether you want to seek a formal education or study from home, knowledge is power in prospecting. Second to knowledge in prospecting is luck. Unfortunately nothing guarantees you will find what you are looking for. Even the most experienced prospectors have their days. I'll post a few tips below to help you along the way. After that, hit any of our Categories. Gold, PGE, Base metals and REE for more information on specific mineral deposits and how to find them.
Prospecting Tips
1. Educate yourself on the minerals you are seeking.
2. Get a loupe and observe what you find, seek an understanding of what you see.
3. Keep a log book of what you observe.
4. Send samples to accredited laboratories.
5. Pay attention to natural features.