Advanced Prospecting Techniques - Stream Surveys and Aeromagnetic Mapping.
Prospecting for any mineral poses it's challenges, however there are resources available that one can use to better select locations for...
Puma Exploration options NB Prospectors Property for $110,000 over 4 years and 400,000 Shares
A local Bathurst prospector has made his second major find in the last decade and options his property to Puma Exploration for $110,000...
400+ Jobs lost in Saint John and Surrounding Area with Closing of Picadilly Mine.
To mark further economic turmoil in the province of New Brunswick, Potash Corp (NYSE - POT) has annouced they will be closing their newly...
Fools Gold - Chalcopyrite - Under the Microscope
In This photograph you will see the gold like features of chalcopyrite. Also note the crystal like structure of how chalcopyrite forms....
Porphyry Copper Gold Ore - Under the Microscope
Well I'll start out by giving you the background on this rock sample. It comes from a section of New Brunswick where Gold and Copper...
Deep Leads - New Brunswick's Potential for Buried Placer Gold Deposits
Deep leads or Buried placer gold deposits are challenging targets for prospectors to locate given the obvious, they are buried. These...
Under The Microscope - New Brunswick Placer Gold
Over the holidays, I've been lucky enough to obtain a small microscope which is capable of taking digital photos of placer gold - black...