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Department of Energy and Mines Prospecting Course - Registration

A quick shout out to all our new followers, surprisingly we have actually had quite a bit of interest! Although there is no course date set, I would strongly encourage you to submit interest to the mining coordinator for New Brunswicks exclusive prospecting course. They usually run a course in the spring for those who are interested. However the course is ran based on interest. This course will provide you with a wide variety of skills to learn how to prospect for gold and other minerals in our wonderful province. It includes learning some basic geology, how to read and interpret the maps on the GNB website and also a day out in the field prospecting and panning. We will be running some prospecting outings in the spring as well but, the one GNB offers is much more educational and specific to this province!

A lot of new members are stating that they have purchased a set of pans or are looking to. Weve also set up a small amazon store under the more tab of our website with some basic prospecting equipment. Currently building the store day by day but all in all we have what you need to get started. Although the store is ran through amazon a 4.5% return is paid to us in commission by amazon for the referral. These funds will be used to purchase equipment/ supplies for prospecting outings in 2016.

Back to the main topic here though, the prospecting course. If you are interested in the course, shoot an email to and he will add your name to the list. Once they reach a minimum of 10 participants they will begin setting dates for the course and contact you accordingly.

The picture above is of a highly altered gabbro, which was found in Kars. NB. This was examined by a GNB geologist and also a geologist from Africa. Both were impressed with the nature of the sample and it's features however it didn't hold any significant mineralization surprisingly. This just goes to show some of the interesting geology our province has to offer.

Cheers all, More to come this weekend!

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